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  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Homecoming Week by Mairi M. August 19, 2024 Click Here As the school year rolls in, Homecoming Week comes closer. Many students have already started their candidacy for Homecoming Court. Start making your mind up and getting your vote ready for Homecoming Court. Look forward to Homecoming week, where there will be daily activities and campaigning. Last but not least, get ready for the Homecoming dance! We look forward to seeing you guys there!

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    College Fair Darmicia W. & Zoe B. October 24, 2024 On October 15th, 2024 Liberty Magnet had about 10 colleges come to the school and speak to the seniors. The colleges were BRCC, Fran U, La Tech, La Christian College, LSU, LSUA, Nicholls State University, Northwestern State University, Southeastern, SU TOP Jag, Southern University, ULL, La Army National Guard, and Aveda. The schools ambassadors came and spoke to any Liberty Magnet high school students who may have had some interest in attending their colleges later on in life. They gave out informative papers, merch, pens, plus more. Students were separated into two groups by last name. Group 1 was A-I and group 2 was J-Z. Students were allowed to leave class for 45 minutes between 1st and 2nd lunch to freely walk around and visit each table. It was a good and convenient way for students to explore different colleges if they weren’t able to make it to the college fair that was held at BRCC october 7th. The ambassadors were very eager to talk to each and every student that crossed their threshold, and it was an overall great experience for seniors students to participate in.

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Campaign Day Darmicia W September 23, 2024 On September 18th Liberty Magnet high school hosted their campaign event for those who were running for different positions such as ms/mr freshman, sophomore, junior, and mr/ms Liberty. This day was a great day for students, because it happened to be an early dismissal day as well. Campaign time lasted from 10:11 to 11:00, and everyone enjoyed themselves. There were different treats from each campaigner like chips, candy, juice, and even more extraordinary things like chicken and waffles, spicy bowls, and even chocolate covered strawberries. We even had a well known rapper that came out and supported one of the candidates, SNUG. Students have gone through weeks of posting flyers all over the school and making instagram posts to convince students to vote for them. On campaign day lots of snacks, foods, and items were given out to leave a good impression and gain students' vote! The official vote will be held Friday September 20th. After the 9-12th results are revealed the school will then vote for Mr. and Mrs. Liberty.

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    NHS Induction Claniya O November 22, 2024 This past Tuesday was the National Honor Society induction ceremony. It was such a proud moment for everyone involved. Seeing students being recognized for their hard work and dedication was bittersweet. Now, the students are all looking forward to making a positive impact through service projects and activities.

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Senior Portraits Claniya O. November 11, 2024 On November 14 and 15, senior portraits were taken. Students who didn’t take their picture over the summer, had a chance to get their portraits taken. This was also an opportunity for students to retake their pictures if they didn't like how they came out. Students should receive their pictures in a few weeks.

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  • Arts and Culture | TLFP

    Hallway Skies by anonymous Published by Leanne Kirst In whispers soft, the heartbeats race, A secret dance, a hidden space. In crowded halls, we brush, we glance, A fleeting smile, a shy romance. A world of laughter, friends surround, But deep inside, my thoughts confound. I guard my heart like fragile glass, Hoping this spark remains unseen, alas. With every word, I fight the thrill, The quiet crush, the silent chill. In shadows cast, I keep it close, A blooming dream that no one knows. Yet in the night, my thoughts take flight, In moonlit dreams, we hold on tight. For now, it’s ours, this sweet disguise— A secret crush beneath the skies.

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Food Truck Friday Delay by Darmicia Williams January 16, 2025 As of right now Liberty Magnet High Schools annual food truck Friday has been cancelled and moved to another date. Unfortunately, the day it was supposed to be held there was speculated to be heavy rain and extremely cold weather. The principal at LMHS decided that it would be postponed to Jan 24th, 2025. Fortunately for the liberty magnet students we will be having a club day to make up for the postponed day. As you know, the usual food you’ll see are wings, slushies, drinks, icecream, snow cones, fries, etc. Here’s a quick Q&A from Claniya Olinde when asked how she felt about the cancellation: “How did you feel about Food Truck Friday being pushed back to a later date?” “I was disappointed at first, but then I didn’t really care because I never make it quick enough to the lines to get food anyway.” Overall, it is and will continue to be a great day to be patriot. Enjoy your next Food Truck Friday! Geaux Patriots!

  • Arts and Culture | TLFP

    Friörgervir By Chase Kaiser Published by Samuel Kanidy Chase is a great artist and student at Liberty High School. His blending of Norse mythology and imagination has molded into this creature he named Friörgervir. Background: Friörgervir, the passive being who travels around the realm of Alfheim. While he seems threatening, he poses no actual threat unless harm is being unleashed across his realm. Friörgervir's role is to ensure peace and harmony to those who seem lacking of the trait and are possible to be cured, otherwise, he would not shy from exterminating the threat that foolishly challenges the realm

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Beta Club Registration Zoe B and Darmicia W September 23, 2024 Beta Club letters have been sent out! An up and coming club being introduced later on in the school year! Ms.Holloway, the AP environmental science teacher and ambassador of the club, has sent out invitations to be indicted into the beta club. There has been some miscommunications with emails using, make sure to use students instead. The requirements to be a part of the beta club are A/B honor roll on your transcript all 4 years of high school, and no major or minor infractions. Students need to make sure to check their emails for letters and invitations, contact Ms. Holloway for further questions. ( ) Liberty’s Beta Club is for students who want to focus on academics and leadership. This amazing experience is sponsored by Ms Holloway. Members are able to compete in different clubs and activities to showcase their talents and strengths at the beta convention that will be held in Orlando, Florida this year. Beta convention is an opportunity for students to showcase these attributes by competing in both academic and artistic competitions such as quiz bowls, tests, painting, acting, marketing and communication, etc. They are also allowed to show/spread school spirit using social media and posters around the campus. Beta is a fun and enriching experience for kids who put their all into school!

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    LMHS French Week! by Dajah Taylor November 11, 2024 A few weeks ago, the Liberty Magnet High School French Club hosted french week. This week-long event was to showcase and celebrate Louisiana French culture as well as French culture as a whole. Each day offered a different activity during the lunch shifts encouraging all students to join in on the fun regardless of how much they knew about French Culture. The week kicked off on Monday with a school-wide scavenger hunt. Blue sheets of paper posted around the school with questions asking about French culture. The prizes included a goodie bag with candies and French school accessories like pencils and pins for your bag. Tuesday students were able to enjoy arts and crafts. Wednesday students got together on a rainy day in the library and played Just Dance. Thursday the French club field trip to Port Allen to see the French museum. Lastly, to wrap up the festivities Friday was the facepaint and photobooth day capturing all the memories all the students made while participating in French week. The great thing about this week was how inclusive and interactive the activities were. You were not required to be a part of the french club to participate nor did you need to know much about french culture to partake in the activities. The school cannot wait to see what other fun cultural appreciation activities the foreign language department comes up with next year.

  • About Chic-fil-a Club | TLFP

    Soar with StuCO by Akeelaha Scott September 5, 2024 The photo was taken at Fresh Fest this summer - Many students involved in sports teams, band, clubs and many more came out to support and give tours to new students. Curious about what the Student Council has in store for this school year? Well you’re not alone – students across campus are riddled with curiosity. Members of the Student Council are working hard and actively planning events they know the students will enjoy. This will be one of the most enthusiastic school years Liberty Magnet has ever seen. Student Council sponsor Assistant Principal Ms.Claytor is excited for the year ahead and gave us some insider information stating “The Student Council's motto for this year is "Soar with Stuco" and the goal is to ensure that all members have the opportunity to serve our school community and plan events that enhance school culture.” Ms.Claytor also says to look out for events happening each month that will coincide with student life such as trick or treating during Halloween, the annual food drive during Thanksgiving, and the annual toy drive during Christmas with much more to come. Here is some important information that students should know about the Student Council: There are two new sponsors this year, Ms.Voisin and Ms. Bonvillian. There were more than 100 students that showed up to the first meeting of the school year. The $20 student fee to be an official Student Council member is due August 31,2024. In addition to that meet the students leading this year: Keli Jackson - President, Morgan Ambrose -Vice President, Trinity Edwards - Secretary, Rachel Guerin - Point Keeper, and Michael Robinson - Reporter. To stay up to date on their latest adventures/plans and in the loop on events, follow the Student Councils instagram page @lmhs.stuco.

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